Tag: Javascript


ES6 Class

Classes are one of the major features of ES6. In fact it wraps prototype based Object Oriented design and provides the developer a better and easier method to write code. It also helps developers who


ES6 Arrow Functions

In ES6, a function can be written in a new way using =>. x/10; myFunc(50); // gives 5 --> This is useful in writing nameless handler functions. It has the same context as the code from which it i


TypeScript - Getting Started Guide

UPDATE : Based on TypeScript 2.1.4 TypeScript is the superset of ECMA2015 (ES6), which is the superset of ES5. TypeScript is transcompiled to Javascript before loading in web page. InstallationTypeS


Recursively using a partial in Handlebars

The examples below show how a partial can be called in itself. It is useful in creating a dynamic nested menu. Frameworks:jQuery 1.9.1, Handlebars 4.0.6(update) IMPORTANT: As it is recursion, m


Custom Handlebars Helper

The example below shows how custom helpers can be defined for Handlebars. Frameworks:jQuery 1.9.1, Handlebars 4.0.6(update)


Javascript : Object, Function, Prototype

Object As we know an object is something that exists and owns a set of properties. The term object is used to refer anything in Javascript. From the list of objects available in Javascript, let us ex


Object Oriented Javascript - 4 : Exercise 1

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 3 : Function A Simple Problem Let us try to create the following simple three objects Person – base Student – inheriting Person Teacher – inheriting Person


Object Oriented Javascript - 3 : Function

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 2 : Prototype Function Defining a function A function can be defined in different ways. #1. Using keyword function This is the simplest way to define a funct


Object Oriented Javascript - 2 : Prototype

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 1 : Object Prototype Running the code below gives an alert showing undefined var car = { name:”i20”, manf:”hyundai”, exprice:650000, tax:100000, getOnRoad