Category: General


The Invisible Layers

Seeing my portfolio people call me with job opportunities, mostly HR executives and recruitment agents. The conversation goes like this, They: “Are you a designer or a developer ?”.Me: “I am a develop


Commonly Confused Characters

The following statement will give you a syntax error, but you may not find any error. var x:Number = 10 – 5; Infact the minus symbol is wrong. The right one is given below var x:Number = 10 – 5;


Making of

Posting some of the images from the design process of my portfolio ( I-V characteristics of a diode,from which I started. Reference Initial design based on the circuit for plottin


Flash vs HTML5 : A Developer's perspective

I remember… it happened back in 2002… I developed one simple c++ program, a very simple program, using Borland Graphics Interface . It drew some shapes – combination of lines, circles and rectangles


Setting up an Asterisk server

Asterisk is a software PBX. You can set it up on a server and connect it to VOIP gateway to make your voice calls over internet. Asterisk is the best of its kind to start up a VOIP service. Get the s


HTTP Requests and Browser cache

When you make an HTTP Request, Browser returns the response of the previous call of the same url from cache. We can avoid this by adding a parameter with random value in the request. This will make th