Tag: Object Oriented


Javascript : Object, Function, Prototype

Object As we know an object is something that exists and owns a set of properties. The term object is used to refer anything in Javascript. From the list of objects available in Javascript, let us ex


Object Oriented Javascript - 4 : Exercise 1

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 3 : Function A Simple Problem Let us try to create the following simple three objects Person – base Student – inheriting Person Teacher – inheriting Person


Object Oriented Javascript - 3 : Function

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 2 : Prototype Function Defining a function A function can be defined in different ways. #1. Using keyword function This is the simplest way to define a funct


Object Oriented Javascript - 2 : Prototype

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 1 : Object Prototype Running the code below gives an alert showing undefined var car = { name:”i20”, manf:”hyundai”, exprice:650000, tax:100000, getOnRoad


Object Oriented Javascript - 1 : Object

Javascript in combination with HTML has become the platform that can run an application in any device which has a Javascript Engine, and most of the devices today ranging from Mobile Phones to Desktop