Object Oriented Javascript - 3 : Function

continuing Object Oriented Javascript - 2 : Prototype


Defining a function

A function can be defined in different ways.


1. Using keyword function

This is the simplest way to define a function in Javascript and the syntax is same as common function declaration.

function add(a, b){  
 return a+b;  

var sum = add(3, 5);


2. Using Javascript type Function

A function can also be defined using Javascript type Function

syntax is new Function([params], body);

var add = new Function("a", "b", "return a+b");
var sum = add(3, 5);

Function to create Objects

Function can be used to extend Javascript type Object and can be instantiated.


A simple Object

var Car = function (){  
 this.name = "i20";  
 this.brand = "Hyundai";  

var car = new Car();  


An Object with function

var Car = function (){  
 this.name = "i20";  
 this.brand = "Hyundai";  
 this.showName = function(){  

var car = new Car();  

Object, Prototype, Function

What makes Javascript powerful is the combination of Object, Prototype and Function. It is the foundation of everything in Javascript, but a bit confusing. Let us work on some exercises and figure it out – Exercise1.

