ES6 , Babel and JSPM - The Super Combo #1

If you are working with ES6 Modules and searching for a way to

  1. Manage ES6 Modules
  2. Build Packages
  3. Load Packages dynamically

then JSPM is the answer.

Let us see how an ES6-Babel project can be set up using JSPM. Requirements for this are

  1. nodejs
  2. npm

    Set up the project

Step 1 : Install jspm cli globally

> npm install -g jspm

Step 2 : Create a directory jspm-project . Open the command-line and go into it.

Step 3 : Set up npm project by giving

jspm-project> npm init

Step 4 : (optional) Install jspm locally if required

jspm-project> npm install jspm --save-dev

Step 5 : Initialize jspm

jspm-project> jspm init

Enter your choices as shown below to set up a quick environment with babel support.

Would you like jspm to prefix the jspm package.json properties under jspm? [yes]:
Enter server baseURL (public folder path) [./]:
Enter jspm packages folder [./jspm_packages]:
Enter config file path [./config.js]:
Configuration file config.js doesn't exist, create it? [yes]:
Enter client baseURL (public folder URL) [/]:
Do you wish to use a transpiler? [yes]:
Which ES6 transpiler would you like to use, Babel, TypeScript or Traceur? [babel]:
ok   Verified package.json at package.json

It will take a few seconds and when it is ready the project directory will have this structure

Step 6 : Create a subdirectory, app for Javascript code. Create main.js with the code given below

Step 7 : Create index.html to load the js code in the jspm way as shown below

Now the project directory will have the structure

Step 8 : Now the first version of the project is ready to be launched in a browser. But for that, a web server is required. So install jspm-server, a minimal server to share static content. It has to be installed globally.

jspm-project> npm install -g jspm-server

Now run the server

jspm-project> jspm-server

It will automatically open the browser. If not, open localhost:8080 in a browser. If everything is in place, browser will show a simple “Hello World” message written by the one and only Main module.

The developer tools will show that the module file main.js is loaded via an ajax request.

Loading Modules

Now there is only one module in the project. Let us add one more module. In the subdirectory app create another one modules. Create two module files dateutility.js and dateview.js.

Module DateUtility : A module for getting formatted date and time. This module depends on Javascript framework momentjs, which has to be installed - jspm can do that. So install it.

jspm-project> jspm install moment

Now write your code in dateutility.js as shown below

Module DateView : A module for displaying formatted date and time in the web page. Write the code in dateview.js as shown below

Modify Main module : Now import the other two modules in Main module. Modify the code as shown below

Verify your directory structure

Now refresh the browser window and the rendered page will be

and it can be observed that jspm is loading the modules dynamically in the background

This way the ES6 modules in a project can be managed easily using jspm. It can also be used to create bundles which can be easily deployed in a production environment. My next post will be on that.
