Category: React


Simple client-side project for learning ES6

This tutorial is for those who are not familiar with nodejs, but wants to get started with ES6. ES6 is not fully supported by all the browsers. So Babel is required to transcompile your ES6 code to


Working with AJAX in React #1

This example shows how data cat be fetched from an api and displayed in a Component. AJAX UtilityTo fetch data from api a utility library is required. In this example axios is used. > npm install a


Rendering UI with Data in React Component #1

This example shows how data in json format can be passed to a react component. Indexindex.html --> index.js , document.getElementById('root') ); --> App (React Component)App.js {/* show


Rendering UI with Data in React Component #2

This example shows how data can be displayed in UI using React. This example has 3 parts Index index.html index.js App (React Component) App.js App.css Comment (React Component) Comment.js Commen


Getting Started with React

(updated) What is React ?React is a Javascript Library to build HTML User Interfaces. To summarize, React handles only the view layer So not like Ember, Angular or Backbone But it is not just an HT